"Thank you for visiting the Kirinsports store. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.

To find out more, please read our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information. The policy also outlines the steps we take to protect your personal information. Finally, this policy describes your options regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. By accessing our website directly or via other websites, you agree to the practices described in this policy. This Privacy Policy applies to this site and may not necessarily apply to any personal information collected offline. For details, please see below. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices on any website not operated by Kirinsports to which our website links.

Information Collection and Use

1. Information Collection.

We collect information about you in various ways on the website. One goal in collecting personal information from you is to provide an efficient, meaningful, and customized experience. For example, we can use your personal information to:
- Help you use the website more easily by not having to enter information multiple times.
- Assist you in quickly finding information, products, and services.
- Help us create content that is most relevant to you.
- Notify you about new information, products, and services that we offer.

(a) Registration and Ordering. Before you use certain parts of any website or order products, you must complete an online registration form. During registration, you will be asked to provide us with certain personal information, including but not limited to your name, shipping and billing address, telephone number, email address, and credit card number. We only use this information and do not store or save it in our files. Additionally, we may ask for your country of residence and/or your organization's country of operation to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and we may ask for your gender. This personal information is used for billing purposes, to fulfill your orders, to communicate with you regarding your orders and our website, and for internal marketing purposes. If we encounter a problem when processing your order, your personal information may be used to contact you.

(b) Email Addresses. Various locations on our website allow you to enter your email address for purposes including but not limited to: registering for contests or sweepstakes; requesting notifications of new brands, new product styles, or product sizes; signing up for email newsletters and special offers. Participation in a contest or sweepstakes is completely voluntary, so you have a choice whether to participate and disclose information to us. We use this information to notify contest and sweepstakes winners and award prizes. We may post the names and cities of contest and sweepstakes winners on our website. By participating in a contest or sweepstakes, you can choose to receive our email communications and special offers, which will be disclosed in the official rules concerning the contest or sweepstakes.

(c) Cookies and Other Technologies.

Like many websites, our site employs cookies and web beacons (also known as transparent GIF technology or "action tags") to speed the navigation of the website, recognize you and your access privileges, and track your site usage."

(i) Cookies are small pieces of information stored in text files on your computer's hard drive by your internet browser. Most internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can set your browser to refuse cookies from websites or to delete cookies from your hard drive, but if you do this, you will not be able to access or use portions of this website. We must use cookies to allow you to select products, place them in an online shopping cart, and purchase those products. If you do this, we will retain your browsing activity and purchase history. The cookies on this website will not and cannot invade a user's hard drive to collect the user's confidential information. Our cookies are not "spyware".

(ii) Web beacons assist in delivering cookies and help us determine whether pages on the website have been viewed and, if so, how many times. For example, any electronic image (such as an advertising banner) on the website can function as a web beacon.

(iii) We may use third-party advertising companies to help customize website content or to serve ads on our behalf. These companies may use cookies and web beacons to measure advertising effectiveness (e.g., which pages were visited, what was purchased, and the purchase quantity).

Any information collected by these third parties through cookies and web beacons is not associated with any personal information we collect.

(iv) For example, Facebook collects certain information through cookies and web beacons to determine which pages were accessed or which products were purchased. Please note that any information collected by Facebook through cookies and web beacons is not associated with any personal information of our customers that we collect.

(d) Log Files. As with most websites, our web server automatically identifies your accessing Internet URL. We may also record your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, Internet service provider, and date/time stamp for system administration, order verification, internal marketing, and troubleshooting purposes. (Your IP address may indicate the location of your computer on the Internet.)

(e) Age. We respect children's privacy. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under the age of 13. Elsewhere on this website, you have represented and warranted that you are at least 18 years old or using this website under the supervision of a parent or guardian. If you are under 13, please do not submit any personal information to us, and instead rely on your parent or guardian to assist you.

2. Information Use and Disclosure.

(a) Internal Use. We use your personal information to process your orders and provide customer service. We may use your personal information (email, phone number, and social accounts) internally to improve website content and layout, enhance our outreach and our own marketing (including marketing our services and products to you), and determine general market information about website visitors. To facilitate such use and the other uses described in this Section 2, we may share your information with affiliates under Kirinsports' control.

(b) Communications with You: We will use your personal information to communicate with you regarding this website and your orders and deliveries. Additionally, when you register with us, we may send you a confirmation email. We may send you service-related announcements (e.g., if we must temporarily suspend our service for maintenance) on the rare occasions when it is necessary. Also, you may submit your email address for reasons such as registering for contests or sweepstakes; requesting notifications of new brands, new product styles, or product sizes; or subscribing to email communications and special offers. If you submit your email address, we will use it to send you information. We always allow you to opt-out or choose not to receive future emails (see the "Opt-Out" section below for more details). Because we must communicate with you regarding the orders you choose, you cannot opt-out of receiving emails related to your orders.

(c) External Use.

We want to provide you with quality service and a rich selection. We will not sell, rent, trade, license, or otherwise disclose your specific personal information or financial information to anyone outside the Kirinsports-controlled affiliates, except:

(i) As do most catalog and Internet retailers, we sometimes hire other companies to perform specific functions on our behalf. When we disclose information to these service providers, we disclose information to help them to perform their services. For example, to deliver products to you, we must share some information. We work with third parties like UPS, DHL, and EMS to ship products, ensure delivery, so that we can get feedback, improve our service quality, and measure and improve the third-party service

(II) Similarly, to help you purchase products and provide customer service, we must provide your credit card number to financial services companies (such as credit card processors and issuers). When we submit your credit card number for authorization, we use the most advanced data encryption technology to protect your information. (This is covered in more detail in the Data Security section below.)

(iii) We may disclose such information in response to inquiries by law enforcement officials; subpoenas; court orders; or if the law requires us to disclose such information. We also may release personal information when it is necessary to protect our legitimate rights, enforce our terms of use or other agreements, or protect ourselves or others. For example, we may share information to reduce fraud risk, or if someone is using or attempting to use the website for unlawful purposes.

(IV) We do not sell (or trade or rent) personal identity information to other companies in the normal course of business. However, we may acquire, merge with or be acquired by another company, or we may dispose of some or all of our assets. If that happens, your personal information may be disclosed to another company, but that disclosure will be subject to the Privacy Policy in effect.

(v) We may share non-personal information (such as the daily number of visitors to a specific webpage or the order size on a specific date) with third parties, such as advertising partners. This information will not directly identify you or any user.

(VI) We may publicly disclose the names, cities and states of contest and sweepstakes winners.

Data Security This website employs physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information, including the use of Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") technology for all financial transactions conducted through this website. We use SSL encryption to protect your online personal information, and we also take various measures to protect personal information stored in our facilities. Finally, we rely on third-party service providers to physically secure some of our computer hardware. We believe their security procedures are adequate. For example, when you visit this website, the server you access is located in a secure physical environment, behind locked cages and electronic firewalls.

While we take industry-standard precautions to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee complete security. There is no 100% completely secure environment, either online or offline.

Opt-Out/Corrections Upon your request, we will (a) correct or update your personal information; (b) stop sending emails to your email address; and/or (c) disable your account to prevent any future purchases through that account. You can make these requests by contacting the Kirinsports customer service team by phone or email. Please do not send your credit card number or other sensitive information by email.

Offline Collection, Use and Disclosure of Information As you would expect, most of the information we collect is through this website, and this Privacy Policy only covers the collection of personal information online. We may also collect information offline, and we will make efforts to protect the privacy of your personal information in those instances as well.

One example is when someone calls us to place an order or ask a question. When someone calls, we will only ask for the personal information necessary to fulfill the order or answer the question. When we need to store information (such as order information), we will enter it into our database using SSL encryption. (See the Data Security section above for more details.) Another example involves faxes. If you fax us something, we will act on the fax and then either store it in a locked repository or, if we don't need to retain the information, we will shred the fax. We may learn personal information in other offline ways (for example, we may assume someone has sent us a letter containing a return address), and this policy does not discuss or attempt to anticipate all such methods or uses.

As mentioned, we will try to treat offline collection, use and disclosure in a manner consistent with our related online practices.

Updates to this Policy If we change or update this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes and updates on the website so that you will always know what information we collect, use and disclose. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy so that you will know if it has been changed or updated. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us at service@Kirinsports.com.

Updated May 20, 2022